

Samlab provides a set of tools that you can use to create, monitor, and analyze your machine learning experiments:

Command Line Tools

samlab-gputop provides a colorful, updating display of how hard your GPUs are working.


The Samlab dashboard is a web server providing a graphical user interface for annotating images, monitoring experiments, and analyzing results. Unlike comparable tools (Tensorboard, Visdom, Vott, …), Samlab adapts to your data instead of forcing you to store it in databases, binary records, or other organizations. In most cases, a Samlab data adapter can be written in fewer lines of code than you’d need to convert your data to a tool-specific format, and avoids the pitfalls of data duplication.


Samlab functions make it easy to see your experiments’ progress, and interrupt an experiment gracefully, without data loss.


Samlab provides convenience functions to simplify displaying data in Jupyter notebooks.


Samlab provides convenience functions for working with PyTorch, such as a function to automatically choose a Torch device based on load, making it easy to run multiple experiments simultaneously without accidentally selecting the same device.