Source code for samlab.dashboard.service.timeseries

# Copyright 2018, National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
# (NTESS).  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS, the U.S.
# Government retains certain rights in this software.

import hashlib

import flask
import scipy.signal
import toyplot.html
import xml.etree

from samlab.dashboard.server import application, require_auth, require_permissions
from samlab.dashboard.service import require_backend

[docs]@application.route("/timeseries-collection/<name>") @require_auth def get_timeseries(name): require_permissions(["read"]) timeseries_collection = require_backend("timeseries-collection", name) count = len(timeseries_collection) keys = list(timeseries_collection.keys()) return flask.jsonify(count=count, keys=keys)
[docs]@application.route("/timeseries-collection/<name>/plot", methods=["POST"]) @require_auth def post_timeseries_plot(name): require_permissions(["read"]) timeseries_collection = require_backend("timeseries-collection", name) height = int(float(flask.request.json.get("height", 500))) keys = flask.request.json.get("keys", []) legend_corner = flask.request.json.get("legend", "bottom-right") max_samples = int(float(flask.request.json.get("max_samples", 1000))) smoothing = float(flask.request.json.get("smoothing", "0")) width = int(float(flask.request.json.get("width", 500))) yscale = flask.request.json.get("yscale", "linear") timeseries = [timeseries_collection.get(key) for key in keys] canvas = toyplot.Canvas(width=width, height=height) axes = canvas.cartesian(xlabel="Step", yscale=yscale) palette = toyplot.color.brewer.palette("Set2") legend = [] for key in keys: color_index = int(hashlib.sha256(key.split("/")[0].encode("utf8")).hexdigest(), 16) % len(palette) color = palette[color_index] timeseries = timeseries_collection.get(key) if timeseries is None: continue if "values" not in timeseries: continue y = timeseries["values"] if "indices" in timeseries: indices = timeseries["indices"] else: indices = numpy.arange(len(y)) x = indices if "markers" in timeseries: marker = timeseries["markers"] else: marker = [None] * len(y) if smoothing: alpha = 1 - smoothing b = [alpha] a = [1, alpha-1] zi = scipy.signal.lfiltic(b, a, y[0:1], [0]) ys = scipy.signal.lfilter(b, a, y, zi=zi)[0] axes.plot(x, y, color=color, opacity=0.1) legend.append((key, axes.plot(x, ys, color=color, marker=marker))) else: legend.append((key, axes.plot(x, y, color=color, marker=marker))) if legend and legend_corner != "none": height = len(legend) * 16 inset = 50 canvas.legend(legend, corner=(legend_corner, inset, 100, height)) return flask.jsonify({"plot": toyplot.html.tostring(canvas)})