Source code for samlab.train

# Copyright 2018, National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
# (NTESS).  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS, the U.S.
# Government retains certain rights in this software.

"""Utilities to simplify training artifacts."""

import logging

import numpy

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def random_split(dataset, split=0.1): """Return indices that randomly partition a dataset into two sets.""" indices = numpy.random.choice(len(dataset), size=len(dataset), replace=False) boundary = int(len(indices) * split) return indices[boundary:], indices[:boundary]
[docs]def train_validate_test_split(dataset, test=0.2, validation=0.2): """Return indices that randomly partition a dataset into training, validation, and test sets.""" indices = numpy.random.choice(len(dataset), size=len(dataset), replace=False) boundary = int(len(indices) * test) remaining_indices, test_indices = indices[boundary:], indices[:boundary] boundary = int(len(remaining_indices) * validation) training_indices, validation_indices = remaining_indices[boundary:], remaining_indices[:boundary] return training_indices, validation_indices, test_indices
[docs]def k_fold(dataset, n=5, k=2, validation=0.2, count=None): """Return sets of indices partitioning a dataset for K-fold cross validation.""" assert(k > 1) results = [] for iteration in range(n): indices = numpy.random.choice(len(dataset), size=len(dataset), replace=False) folds = numpy.array_split(indices, k) for index, test_indices in enumerate(folds): remaining = numpy.concatenate(folds[:index] + folds[index+1:]) boundary = int(len(remaining) * validation) validation_indices, training_indices = remaining[:boundary], remaining[boundary:] results.append((training_indices, validation_indices, test_indices)) if count is not None and len(results) >= count: return results return results
[docs]class Loss: """Keeps track of whether a loss value has improved. """ def __init__(self, delta=0): self._delta = delta self._loss = None
[docs] def improved(self, loss): if self._loss is None: self._loss = loss return True if loss < self._loss - self._delta: self._loss = loss return True return False
@property def value(self): return self._loss
[docs]class EarlyStop: """Stop training if a loss doesn't improve within N iterations. Parameters ---------- patience: integer, optional """ def __init__(self, patience=10, delta=0): self._patience = patience self._improved = Loss(delta=delta) self._count = 0 self._total = 0 self._triggered = False def __call__(self, loss): if self._triggered: return self._triggered self._total += 1 if self._improved(loss): self._count = 0 else: self._count += 1 if self._count >= self._patience: self._triggered = True"Early stop after {self._total} iterations.")"Loss did not decrease beyond {self._improved.loss} in {self._patience} iterations.") return self._triggered @property def triggered(self): return self._triggered